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Showing posts from August, 2020

Pareto’s Law and Real Estate Marketing

Pareto’s Law and Real Estate Marketing An Italian Economist Vilfredo Pareto in 19th Century had written an mathematical model for income distribution in Italy that stated that 80% of the land owned by 20% of people. Wealth was not evenly distributed. Joseph Juran in late 1930’s helped General motor to solve some issues pertaining to productivity in manufacturing but landed finding a solution for decoding the “Code” and “Encoding “ as well - cutting he long story short he found in this process that all the tasks and efforts don't affect the outcome equally and in fact very few tasks and efforts are responsible for the majority of the solution or result that is expected. This applies to everything - he concluded later on when he studied and applied, Pareto rule. He called this research   manuscript as “ Pareto’s principle of unequal distribution” You will see there is a huge significance in this principle, from biology to astronomy.   And from banking to marketing. 80% of your r...

What Channel Partners are doing that we can't ?

Channel partner is not a new phenomenon, some call them brokers or agents, while others as sales partners or channel partners. Here channel partner essentially means an organization that facilities real estate developer to sell real estate and gets a percentage share in exchange, a brokerage. Channel partner term is relatively new and has hit the high with advent of internet property listing portals. Initially it was believed that the property listing portals would cannibalize the real estate broking business and initially they did try to do it but due to few known and other unknown reasons, it did not continue that path of removing the middle man between Builder Developer and the Buyer. Reasons for this are partly because real estate companies were not concerned if they had to pay a brokerage or not (generally) also from portals point of view the cost of customer acquisition sky rocketed in last five years as rates or google ads, facebook ads and search results costed more and more, m...