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Why E-Mail Marketing is relevant in Real Estate Business?


3  min 

Inspite of the massive growth in social media popularity, the good old email is still one of the most effective tools to communicate and create a serious communication channel with your brand followers.

May it be spiritual gurus, success coaches, authors, consultants, brands that looking for a repeat business all are using email marketing in an extremely effective way.

Email marketing is more relevant to those who mostly have a repeat business from same clients over a long period of time.

So for real estate, If you look at your business with a view of next 10 years what do you see?

Yes, you won’t see any specific Project or inventory to sell, what you will see is your brand and what you be known for. What will be your reputation after 10 years? If you are taking this long and serious view about your real estate business certainly email marketing is one of your key channels.

Some of the most effective campaigns and most successful once do have email as one of the crucial part of the strategy.

So let’s first understand

What is email marketing?

1.       It is a simple act of sending emails to your audience.

2.       It is not specific to any content type- it can be a plain 5 line email, it can be a photo, it can be a video link, it can be digital art work or it can be a form or web page landing link.

3.       It is send only to those whose email you have access and are willing to get emails from you.

4.       The key is building an email list over a period of time, you may just start from 10 email ID and end up with 10000 in 2 years. This is your channel with audience of your choice.

Why does it work?

1.       It is not interruption marketing, your email does not forcibly takes valuable minutes out of their busy time. Email can be read whenever they find it appropriate. And tough simple, it is one of the key attributes to the success of it.

2.       It has been done with permission officially or unofficially so your recipient is expecting that emails will come and is not offended.

3.       It has no limitation of content nor limitation of volume.

4.       It can be sent every day or it can be sent once a month, you and your audience are the decider - there is no rules of relationship. It is based on mutual trust and admiration

5.       It is absolutely free.





Why don’t most companies use it?

1.          Key reason is, it is to be done consistently and with fixed frequency – it requires discipline and commitment.

2.          Second important factor is the content, if you cannot create effective content that will engage the audience for 3 to 4 mins and add value to them, it does not work.

3.          It takes longer view and is effective only on longer time scale, it is not for immediate sales.


Why and how should real estate companies benefit?

1.       It should be the owner’s initiative, let be an email every quarter but the content creator or person responsible for the content should be the owner. Direct connect sells.

2.       It should be done on an email ID that should sound and feel personal and emails sent directly by you. It should not give a feeling of bulk mailing, personalization is key.

3.       It should be targeted in multiple mailing lists you should thoughtfully design these mailing list there can be 100 emails and 25 types of mailing lists based on frequency, interests, content, age group, political inclinations, occupation etc.

4.       It should be done as a ritual and not as job, do it only if you believe that you are going to in business for next 10 years and you are going to build a business based on quality and brand.

5.       Audience love well curated, intelligent and interesting content on email they take emails far more seriously than anything else online.

6.       I strongly believe that real estate domain has huge amount of interesting content that people will love to know.


Key parameters for real estate companies to set when they design their email marketing strategy

1.       It should only be sent to those who except an email from you and are willing to keep it that way

2.       It should never be an advertisement it should be much more subtle and more on thought level rather than visual or audio level of influence.

3.       A must for real estate company is to have these two list as two most important list -one the Influencers list and other is past buyers list ,who are connected to your brand and most likely to promote, forward or give you the reference lead at least once in the life time. Big asset.

4.       Content should be not about your new launch ,project update and all that feels immediate and selfish sometimes, it should be more on interests, life quality,  that will make their life great, socio economic studies or information, it should be made in such a way that they feel the need for more emails from you- craving content is the key.


There many more points that can be discussed to stop here, email marketing is an engagement tool not and advertising tool. It is subtle but extremely targeted and highly effective.

It is like taking care of the goose that gives the golden egg not to kill it because you want something today. It kills the goose and there is no gold egg either.


Have great day.

Advit Dixit


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